jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Paella Valenciana

Olive oil / pepper ½ red / green 2/3 cloves garlic / onion / tomato sauce / salt / white pepper / paprika / peppers / coloring or saffron / Thyme / Parsley / glass of dry white wine / broth of vegetables ½ l.
100gr 100gr chicken rabbit vegetables about 100 gr. which you feel hungry
(Green beans / peas / spinach / cauliflower / Broquil)

Step 1: get the vegetables to boil with salt and water reserves for rice
Step 2: In the oil fry the garlic is not minced together with ñora deviate by a bite. (If we use the tostaremos saffron and majaremos in the mortar before the garlic and ñora)
Step 3: Cut the rabbit chicken, is salt-pepper and fry until golden brown, add the onion would fry a little and then the peppers.
Step 4: When the elements are gassed, add the tomato sauce, wine, and a hundred ounces of broth, chopped and let it reduce.
Step 5: sauté the rice, and added the rest of the broth, boil about five minutes and then loosens strong fire until boiling loose, in fifteen minutes the rice will that take.

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